Hii everyone. This blog post is gonna be a bit different than what I had planned to usually blog about. But I went to Reading Festival in England this weekend and I had a sick time so I thought why not blog about it.
I got to see a few of my absolute favorite bands this weekend, which was amazing. One of my highlights was watching Arctic Monkeys on the MainStage Saturday night. It was my first time seeing them live and it was definitely worth the wait. However my favorite gig throughout the whole weekend was probably the 1975. They did an amazing show at the BBC Radio 1 Stage. The atmosphere was so chill and everyone was just jamming to their favourite song. Actually before the show I was fairly close to meeting Matt Healy! :O sadly it didn't happen, but we did get a few good pictures of him. I took this one during their gig:
Being the new horrible blogger I am, I completely forgot to take any pictures of my festival outfits. So sadly this post won't be fashion related at all. But I will be back soon with some proper fashion/beauty posts! I have tons of ideas planned out. Until then here's a festival selfie :)
OMG !!! I went to Reading this year was AWESOME !! X
Oh cool, it really was AWESOME! :D and thanks for the love on my blog xx